• Course Structure

    Each module on the platform contains around 4 hours of work, and expect to work on 2 modules per day. Most modules have 1 or more assignments that will be graded on a pass/fail basis. You have up to 3 attempts to submit assignments for a passing grade. The final deadline for all assignments is July 29, 2021.

    Course Schedule

    Day 1 - July 12 

    • Welcome meeting
    • Work on Modules 1 & 2 (self-paced)

    Day 2 - July 13

    • Review Modules 1 & 2 with Q&A
    • Work on Modules 3 & 4 (self-paced)

    Day 3 - July 14

    • Review Modules 3 & 4 with Q&A
    • Work on Modules 5 & 6 (self-paced)

    Day 4 - July 15

    • Review Modules 5 & 6 with Q&A
    • General questions & wrap-up