مخطط الموضوع

  • One of the most important things to arrange is making sure you have a place to live. We know how important it is for you to know where you’ll be living during your studies.

    Find out what it's like to live in the IHE Delft student accommodation, and make sure you complete the booking procedure properly and on time. When the booking period starts, you should have all the information you need to book a room where you can be comfortable throughout your MSc programme.

    Important dates

    The following dates apply to students who are financially admitted by 1 August. If you are financially admitted after this date, the booking period may start later for you, depending on the date of your admission.

    14 & 15 August Activation link uh.room.nl account You'll receive an activation link from uh.room.nl by email.
    August Accommodation webinar Let us know you're joining!
    3 September Start booking period Make sure you've activated your uh.room.nl account before 3 September.
    19 September Last day of booking period Reserve a room before Friday 20 September
    25 September Upload your documents You'll receive instructions from duwo.nl
    1 October Sign your contract  You'll receive instructions from duwo.nl