Enrolment options

This course aims to teach end-users how to actively use the WaPOR portal for their own needs. The main focus of the course will be on how to search, download, and apply WaPOR data for water productivity and water accounting studies. The course is separated into 3 modules:
  • Module 1: Introduction and Usage (5 units)
  • Module 2: Water Productivity (3 units) 
  • Module 3: Water Accounting (5 units)

How to enrol: Log in with IHE OCW account then click on "Enrol me" under Self-enrolment option. If you don't have IHE OCW account yet, click on "Create new account". Complete the Sign-up form then log in with your new account. Then, follow the course link bit.do/waporocw to enrol.

Description: Water Productivity and Water Accounting using WaPOR is an open online course targeting practitioners and academicians who are working in water resources management and related fields and have interest in applying open access remote sensing data and other open data to assess the water resources situation and water productivity and the extent to which water productivity increases have an effect on different water users in a river basin context. The main focus of the course will be on WaPOR data (https://wapor.apps.fao.org/home/WAPOR_2/1) but the methodology is applicable to similar remote sensing products. For more information about the latest version of WaPOR, check out the course 'Introduction to WaPORv3'.

Skill Level: Beginner