River Basin Development online seminars
Section outline
General Information
These online seminars are organized on behalf of the River Basin Development chair group, within the Water Resources and Ecosystems department. Our research focuses on the balance of key elements of a river basin such as water and sediment, which implies the interaction of these with climate, geomorphology, the biosphere and human made constructions. The equilibrium (or availability); the excess and the scarcity of these natural elements are decisive for the safety of society, access to food, energy production and the environment. The River Basin Development chair group investigates processes in the natural and built environment which are determinant for the design and planning of sustainable water infrastructures prepared for global change.
In these seminars, we welcome some of our international peers. These well-renowned experts present their pioneering research activities, which can be usually framed within the scope of our degrees, but expand beyond what can be commonly taught in a classroom.
Important note: to join a live online seminar, you need to 1) create a user first, and then 2) enroll in the course. Otherwise, the link to the session remains invisible.
1) Create user
2) Enroll in course
For Whom?
These online seminars represent a supplement to streamlined education, allowing students, alumni and any water professional to expand their comprehension on topics that usually lay in the frontiers of knowledge.
Learning Objectives
Each seminar pursues a different learning goal. These are usually well-aligned with those of our regulated MSc programmes, but expand into the latest developments in each field.
Materials are prepared by each seminar speaker. Coordination is made by Daniel Valero, from Water Resources and Ecosystem department, IHE Delft Institute for water education.
Previous seminars
Seminars taking place online will be recorded and made available online through this Open Course Ware. More information about previous not recorded seminars can be found in here.
How to attribute
You are free to use, re-use and redistribute the course materials for non-commercial purposes. Always include this line to attribute:
"River Basin Development online seminars by Daniel Valero (IHE Delft) is licensed under CC By-NC 4.0"
and please endorse the corresponding seminar speaker. We are always interested on how the materials are re-used, so feel free to let us know.
We acknowledge the contribution of each speaker and thus, we would like to thank them for their participation in our online seminars.
We are proudly sponsored by IAHR and our seminar topics fall well within the activities of different technical committees.