Enrolment options

Ecosystem Vitality, Ecosystem Services, Governance and Stakeholders



Step 0. Have you already created an account to access IHE Delft Open Education?
If you created an account to access one of our open courses in the past, you can use the same username and password to login. Then, go to Step 2 - Register/Enrol Yourself in the Course. If you created an account in the past, but forgot your password, click on “Forgot Password?”. 

Step 1. Create a New Account in the IHE Open Education website

Click on Create New Account, fill in your username, password etc., an 'account confirmation' email will be sent to you (check also in your spam e-mailbox, particularly if you have a Gmail account), use the 'web address' received to confirm your new account and login using your username and password

 Step 2. Register/enrol yourself in the course

Click on the title, click on 'Enrol me in this course' (under the arrow in the upper right side/below your username), click on 'Enrol me' in the page 'Enrolment options' to complete the process (the course coordinator will send you an 'welcome' email and your name will be listed as course participant).

Skill Level: Beginner
Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)