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Before commencing the course, please take this Entry Assessment.This Entry Assessment contains 46 questions covering various grammar topics. You will receive immediate feedback as you answer the questions. The questions that challenged you or were answered incorrectly must be studied from the materials section of the course.
In this section, you can access the specific study materials required for this course. First, read the explanations for each set of study material and feel free to take notes if the material is challenging or new. At the end of each set of material, you will be able to self-assess your knowledge and receive immediate feedback.
This exit assessment contains 46 questions covering various grammar topics.After submitting your assessment, you can immediately view your grade.Review your answers - the feedback will indicate which topics you may need to study further. This is especially helpful when you gave the wrong answer, or when you were not sure about your answer.
We hope you have enjoyed the course! We would appreciate if you could take a couple of minutes to evaluate it by answering the following questions.Keep in mind what your learning objectives were:Define your level of English grammar and grammar topics you need to study by doing the multiple choice quiz in the entry assessment.Apply grammar rules in formative, non-graded assessments.Prove your progress by doing the multiple choice quiz in the exit assessment.With your help we can improve the course for the future participants. Thank you!