Cursos disponibles


This course covers an essential skill of python scripting for researchers and practitioners who handle (spatial) data in their work/research. Scripting allows better control, automation, and processing of data using command line tools and Python libraries. The applications use WaPOR data and are targeted for researchers and practitioners in the agricultural and water sector.The course contains three modules:Module 1: Introduction to the Command Line Interface and GDALModule 2: Introduction to PythonModule 3: Using Python Libraries for Handling WaPOR DataCourse is self-paced, participants can start any time and after successfully completing all assignments obtain a certificate. Course is available starting May 2024.How to enrol: Log in with IHE OCW account then click on "Enrol me" under Self-enrolment option. If you don't have IHE OCW account yet, click on "Create new account". Complete the Sign-up form then log in with your new account. It is recommended to follow the course 'Introduction to WaPORv3' before starting this course.

8 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2024
1k Enrolled


This course aims to teach end-users how to actively use the WaPOR portal for their own needs. The main focus of the course will be on what is the WaPOR data, how to access and download WaPOR data in various ways and to do geospatial analyses with WaPOR data. This course is an update of the first module of Water Accounting and Water Productivity using WaPOR course, now covering the latest WaPOR version (v3) and features of the WaPOR portal and download scripts. The course is separated into 4 topics: Introduction to WaPOR v3The WaPOR portal v3Download WaPORv3 data using PythonWaPOR spatial data analysis using GIS This course is also available in Spanish and French.How to enrol: Log in with IHE OCW account then click on "Enrol me" under Self-enrolment option. If you don't have IHE OCW account yet, click on "Create new account". Complete the Sign-up form then log in with your new account.  Description:  WaPOR Introduction course is an open online course targeting practitioners and academicians who are working in water resources management and related fields and have interest in applying open access remote sensing data and other open data to assess the water resources situation and water productivity and the extent to which water productivity increases have an effect on different water users in a river basin context. The main focus of the course will be on WaPOR data (

7 Lessons
Actualizado:: Sep 2024
1k Enrolled

Delta planning, delta management, vulnerability, protection

6 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
665 Enrolled


SIDS: integrated management of small island water and marine resources

13 Lessons
Actualizado:: Oct 2024
63 Enrolled


This open online training course developed with support from FAO is intended to strengthen countries' ability to assess environmental flows (e-flows), implementing an integrated management approach for their land and water resources. E-flows describe the quantity, timing, and quality of freshwater flows and levels necessary to sustain aquatic ecosystems which, in turn, support human cultures, economies, sustainable livelihoods, and well-being. They are explicitly addressed under the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as single national estimates integrated into Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.4.2. This “water stress” indicator (SDG 6.4.2) provides an estimate of pressure by all sectors on the country’s renewable freshwater resources. The course is open to anyone interested in the topic of e-flows, but has been designed for staff in relevant national agencies tasked with the monitoring of Indicator SDG 6.4.2 and the sustainable management of water and other natural resources. After this course you will be able to: Describe why securing environmental water requirements is essential to meet SDG Target 6.4 and thereby maintain aquatic ecosystem health and resilience; Explain the key aspects of hydrological, morphological and ecological science underlying e-flows; Compare different methodologies for the assessment of e-flow requirements; and Evaluate which measures to implement e-flows are most suited to your national situation. The course content is divided into four themes. The time to devote to the course is 4 to 6 hours per theme, with a total of 16-24 hours of lessons. Learning modalities include 1) interactive lectures, 2) relevant readings, and 3) exercises. Quizzes (self-assessments) are also available to check your learning progress. A certificate of completion will be issued at the conclusion of the course.RegistrationStep 0. Have you already created an account to access IHE Delft Open Education?If you created an account to access one of our open courses in the past, you can use the same username and password to login. Then, go to Step 2 - Register/Enrol Yourself in the Course. If you created an account in the past, but forgot your password, click on “Forgot Password?”. Step 1. Create a New Account in the IHE Open Education websiteClick on Create New Account, fill in your username, password etc., an 'account confirmation' email will be sent to you (check also in your spam e-mailbox, particularly if you have a Gmail account), use the 'web address' received to confirm your new account and login using your username and password Step 2. Register/enrol yourself in the courseClick on the title, click on 'Enrol me in this course' (under the arrow in the upper right side/below your username), click on 'Enrol me' in the page 'Enrolment options' to complete the process (the course coordinator will send you an 'welcome' email and your name will be listed as course participant).

7 Lessons
Actualizado:: Apr 2024
1k Enrolled

Water Productivity in Practice is an online course targeting practitioners and academicians who are working in agriculture and related fields. They are also interested in conducting water productivity and/or water accounting analyses, including to study how water productivity improvements can have an effect on different water users in a river basin context. To properly follow this course, we expect that the participants have a basic understanding of hydrology, irrigation agronomy. Registration Step 0. Have you already created an account to access IHE Delft Open Education?If you created an account to access one of our open courses in the past, you can use the same username and password to login. Then, go to Step 2 - Register/Enrol Yourself in the Course. If you created an account in the past, but forgot your password, click on “Forgot Password?”.  Step 1. Create a New Account in the IHE Open Education website Click on Create New Account, fill in your username, password etc., an 'account confirmation' email will be sent to you (check also in your spam e-mailbox, particularly if you have a Gmail account), use the 'web address' received to confirm your new account and login using your username and password Step 2. Register/enrol yourself in the course Click on the title, click on 'Enrol me in this course' (under the arrow in the upper right side/below your username), click on 'Enrol me' in the page 'Enrolment options' to complete the process (the course coordinator will send you an 'welcome' email and your name will be listed as course participant).

10 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
679 Enrolled


This course aims to provide a better understanding of the theoretical concepts used to generate remote sensing based data on evapotranspiration and biomass production including their limitations. Specific attention will be given to the WaPOR database and how to do a systematic validation of the data. The course is organised into three modules:Module 1: “Concepts of remote sensing ET (energy balance, FAO-56 PM)” Module 2: “WaPOR database: structure, input data, and methods” Module 3: “Validation of WaPOR database products”A certificate of completion can be obtained after completing all assignments. Target Group: Early and mid-career water professionals with a technical background and a strong interest in new techniques for water use monitoring.Pre-requisites: Preferably a relevant water and/or environmental science (agriculture, remote sensing, geoinformation, geography, or any other relevant) degree; basic working knowledge of spatial data and analysis techniques. Good command of the English language is required.Recommendation to have completed module 1 of the OpenCourseWare on Water Productivity and Water Accounting using WaPOR or the new courses 'Introduction to WaPORv3' before starting this course.Course is available since June 2023

6 Lessons
Actualizado:: Apr 2024
532 Enrolled


This course aims to teach end-users how to actively use the WaPOR portal for their own needs. The main focus of the course will be on how to search, download, and apply WaPOR data for water productivity and water accounting studies. The course is separated into 3 modules: Module 1: Introduction and Usage (5 units) Module 2: Water Productivity (3 units)  Module 3: Water Accounting (5 units) How to enrol: Log in with IHE OCW account then click on "Enrol me" under Self-enrolment option. If you don't have IHE OCW account yet, click on "Create new account". Complete the Sign-up form then log in with your new account. Then, follow the course link to enrol. Description: Water Productivity and Water Accounting using WaPOR is an open online course targeting practitioners and academicians who are working in water resources management and related fields and have interest in applying open access remote sensing data and other open data to assess the water resources situation and water productivity and the extent to which water productivity increases have an effect on different water users in a river basin context. The main focus of the course will be on WaPOR data ( but the methodology is applicable to similar remote sensing products. For more information about the latest version of WaPOR, check out the course 'Introduction to WaPORv3'.

19 Lessons
Actualizado:: Apr 2024
3k Enrolled

Ecosystem Vitality, Ecosystem Services, Governance and Stakeholders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RegistrationStep 0. Have you already created an account to access IHE Delft Open Education?If you created an account to access one of our open courses in the past, you can use the same username and password to login. Then, go to Step 2 - Register/Enrol Yourself in the Course. If you created an account in the past, but forgot your password, click on “Forgot Password?”. Step 1. Create a New Account in the IHE Open Education websiteClick on Create New Account, fill in your username, password etc., an 'account confirmation' email will be sent to you (check also in your spam e-mailbox, particularly if you have a Gmail account), use the 'web address' received to confirm your new account and login using your username and password Step 2. Register/enrol yourself in the courseClick on the title, click on 'Enrol me in this course' (under the arrow in the upper right side/below your username), click on 'Enrol me' in the page 'Enrolment options' to complete the process (the course coordinator will send you an 'welcome' email and your name will be listed as course participant).

21 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
618 Enrolled

Freshwater Vitality, Ecosystem Services, Governance and Stakeholders                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Registration Step 0. Have you already created an account to access IHE Delft Open Education?If you created an account to access one of our open courses in the past, you can use the same username and password to login. Then, go to Step 2 - Register/Enrol Yourself in the Course. If you created an account in the past, but forgot your password, click on “Forgot Password?”.  Step 1. Create a New Account in the IHE Open Education website Click on Create New Account, fill in your username, password etc., an 'account confirmation' email will be sent to you (check also in your spam e-mailbox, particularly if you have a Gmail account), use the 'web address' received to confirm your new account and login using your username and password  Step 2. Register/enrol yourself in the course Click on the title, click on 'Enrol me in this course' (under the arrow in the upper right side/below your username), click on 'Enrol me' in the page 'Enrolment options' to complete the process (the course coordinator will send you an 'welcome' email and your name will be listed as course participant).

10 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
1k Enrolled

Water accounting, Rapid water accounting, Water accounting plus, Water auditing and governance analysisRegistration Step 0. Have you already created an account to access IHE Delft Open Education?If you created an account to access one of our open courses in the past, you can use the same username and password to login. Then, go to Step 2 - Register/Enrol Yourself in the Course. If you created an account in the past, but forgot your password, click on “Forgot Password?”.  Step 1. Create a New Account in the IHE Open Education website Click on Create New Account, fill in your username, password etc., an 'account confirmation' email will be sent to you (check also in your spam e-mailbox, particularly if you have a Gmail account), use the 'web address' received to confirm your new account and login using your username and password  Step 2. Register/enrol yourself in the course Click on the title, click on 'Enrol me in this course' (under the arrow in the upper right side/below your username), click on 'Enrol me' in the page 'Enrolment options' to complete the process (the course coordinator will send you an 'welcome' email and your name will be listed as course participant).

20 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
1k Enrolled

Irrigation, agriculture, development

10 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
420 Enrolled


This course provides basic knowledge about MODFLOW and Model Muse, which can be used to develop, run, and post-process models. MODFLOW in Model Muse combines many of the capabilities found in MODFLOW 6, MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-USG, and MODFLOW-LGR, and provides a platform for adding packages. No need to register, just follow the classes and webinars.

17 Lessons
Actualizado:: Apr 2024


Open Online Course on Delft3D Modeling

13 Lessons
Actualizado:: Mar 2024
1k Enrolled

Adaptation; Mitigation; Physical sciences; Climate action

9 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
440 Enrolled


4 Lessons
Actualizado:: Jan 2025

Long term monitoring and Modeling for Bangladesh

12 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023


Open Educational Resources

Start: anytime - WTD design, operation and maintenance

6 Lessons
Actualizado:: Oct 2023
1k Enrolled

Integrated Water Resources Management requires exchange of data and information among sectors. Often data is stored in files on harddisks, CD-ROMs or DVDs. This makes it hard to find the data. In addition, metadata is often lacking, which makes it hard to evaluate the quality of the data and to reuse the data.

5 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023

This OpenCourseWare is directed to chemical and environmental engineers and scientists working in the urban or industrial water field and wanting to have a better grasp at the efficient dealing with water. For instance, this course will be of interest to participants who would like to get insights into cleaner production practices in process industries with emphasis in the fields of urban, municipal and industrial sanitation, resource recovery, process design and implementation.

14 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
Open Educational Resources

These online seminars are organised on behalf of the River Basin Development chair group, within the Water Resources and Ecosystems department. In these seminars, we welcome some of our international colleagues to present their pioneering research activities and expand over other streamlined education activities carried out in IHE Delft.Keywords: Hydraulic and river engineering; Water and energy infrastructure; climate change, hydrology and geosciences; enabling technologies; natural environment and sustainability

7 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
490 Enrolled

This course will cover the basics of microbiology as needed for modules in the environmental, engineering and hydrology tracks. 

13 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
207 Enrolled

This course is designed to explain various interpretive concepts in Social Sciences and to show them in operation. 

13 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
117 Enrolled
Prep Courses

This course provides an overview of hydrology for a diverse group of professionals working in water related fields and (prospective) students who are interested in following an MSc programme in Water and Sustainable Development at IHE Delft, the Netherlands. 

9 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
754 Enrolled
Prep Courses

This preparatory course on hydraulics aims at providing students’ knowledge and skills on fundamentals of fluid mechanics.

11 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
629 Enrolled
Prep Courses

This course is meant as a brief introduction to some ecological concepts that help you to understand environmental processes and how human activities can affect ecosystems. 

12 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
189 Enrolled
Prep Courses

The subject of statistics provides a body of principles and methodologies for designing processes of data collection, summarising and interpreting the data, and drawing conclusions (generalities) from the data. The course will look into data types, data descriptions, frequency analysis and probabilities.

8 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
431 Enrolled

The Mathematics - Preparatory Course aims to provide participants with an overview and practice of the fundamental mathematical concepts that are required for successfully participating in IHE-Delft's MSc programmes.

14 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
232 Enrolled
Prep Courses

This preparatory course is about having foundation knowledge on financial and economic analysis of a project. 

10 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
139 Enrolled


Prep Courses

This chemistry preparatory course is offered to you as a service to check if you meet the required pre-knowledge to start the MSc Programme in Water & sustainable development and its modules.

14 Lessons
Actualizado:: Feb 2024
238 Enrolled

This preparatory course has been designed to understand the basics on project financing and its financial viability.

9 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
251 Enrolled


Prep Courses

This course is meant as a brief introduction English grammar in conversational and written skills. 

6 Lessons
Actualizado:: Sep 2023
155 Enrolled
6 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
193 Enrolled
8 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
193 Enrolled
9 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
193 Enrolled

InscriptionÉtape 0. Avez-vous déjà créé un compte pour accéder à IHE Delft Open Education ?Si vous avez créé un compte pour accéder à l'un de nos cours ouverts dans le passé, vous pouvez utiliser le même nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe pour vous connecter. Ensuite, passez à l'étape 2 - Inscrivez-vous/Inscrivez-vous au cours. Si vous avez créé un compte dans le passé, mais que vous avez oublié votre mot de passe, cliquez sur « Forgot Password? ».Étape 1. Créer un nouveau compte sur le site Web IHE Open EducationCliquez sur Créer un nouveau compte, renseignez votre nom d'utilisateur, mot de passe etc., un e-mail de 'confirmation de compte' vous sera envoyé (vérifiez également dans votre boîte de courrier indésirable, en particulier si vous avez un compte Gmail), utilisez l'adresse 'web address' ' reçu pour confirmer votre nouveau compte et vous connecter en utilisant votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passeÉtape 2. Inscrivez-vous/inscrivez-vous au coursCliquez sur le titre, cliquez sur « Inscrivez-moi à ce cours » (sous la flèche en haut à droite/sous votre nom d'utilisateur), cliquez sur « Enrol me » dans la page « Enrollment Options » pour terminer le processus (le coordinateur du cours vous enverra un e-mail de « bienvenue » et votre nom sera répertorié comme participant au cours).

7 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
56 Enrolled

Comptabilité de l'eau, Comptabilité rapide de l'eau, Comptabilité de l'eau Plus, Audit de l'eau et analyse de la gouvernanceÉtapes à suivre pour s'inscrire/se faire inscrire à ce cours :Étape 0. Avez-vous déjà créé un compte sur la page d'accueil de l'IHE Delft Open Education ?Si vous avez déjà créé un compte sur le site, vous pouvez utiliser les mêmes nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe pour vous connecter. Ensuite, passez à l'étape 2 - S'enregistrer/se faire enregistrer dans le cours.Si vous avez créé un compte sur dans le passé mais avez oublié votre mot de passe, cliquez sur "Forgot Password ? Ensuite, pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe, saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur ou votre adresse électronique. Un courriel sera envoyé à votre adresse électronique avec des instructions sur la façon d'obtenir un nouvel accès. Une fois que vous avez accès à votre nom d'utilisateur et à votre mot de passe : (i) connectez-vous à et (ii) passez à l'étape 2 - S'inscrire/se faire inscrire au cours.Étape 1. Créez un nouveau compte sur la page d'accueil de l'IHE Open Education : allez sur, cliquez sur Create New Account, saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur, votre mot de passe, etc. Un courriel de "confirmation de compte" vous sera envoyé, utilisez l'"adresse Web" reçue pour confirmer votre nouveau compte et connectez-vous en utilisant votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe.Étape 2. Inscrivez-vous/Inscrivez-vous au cours : cliquez sur le titre "MOOC : Water Accounting and Auditing", cliquez sur "Enroll me in this course" (sous la flèche en haut à droite/en dessous de votre nom d'utilisateur), cliquez sur "Enroll me" dans la page "Enrolment options" pour terminer le processus (le coordinateur du cours vous enverra un e-mail de "Bienvenue" et votre nom sera listé comme participant au cours).Pour toute question concernant la procédure d'inscription ci-dessus, contactez l'IT de l'IHE Delft Institute for Water Education à l'adresse toute autre question concernant le cours, contactez Amani Matar (Email : IHE Delft Institute for Water Education.

20 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
203 Enrolled

Comment s'inscrire: Connectez-vous avec un compte IHE OCW puis cliquez sur «M'inscrire» sous l'option d'auto-inscription. Si vous n'avez pas encore de compte IHE OCW, cliquez sur "Créer un nouveau compte". Remplissez le formulaire d'inscription puis connectez-vous avec votre nouveau compte.Description: Productivité de l'eau et comptabilité de l'eau à l'aide de WaPOR est un cours en ligne ouvert destiné aux praticiens et aux universitaires qui travaillent dans la gestion des ressources en eau et dans des domaines connexes et qui s'intéressent à l'application de données de télédétection en libre accès et d'autres données ouvertes pour évaluer la situation des ressources en eau et de l'eau. la productivité et la mesure dans laquelle les augmentations de productivité de l'eau ont un effet sur les différents utilisateurs de l'eau dans un contexte de bassin fluvial. Le cours portera principalement sur les données WaPOR ( mais la méthodologie est applicable à des produits de télédétection similaires.

19 Lessons
Actualizado:: Aug 2023
243 Enrolled